Adam Shuhendler

Canada Research Chair in Chemical Biology

Tier 2 - 2015-07-01
Renewed: 2020-07-01
University of Ottawa
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

650-562-5800, ext./poste 2516

Coming to Canada From

Stanford University, United States

Research involves

Developing and implementing new tools to study and manipulate bioactive molecules in living subjects.

Research relevance

This research will create new ways of diagnosing and treating diseases by developing tools that can identify abnormally acting biomolecules.

Research summary

Dr. Shuhendler’s research vision remains the imaging of fundamental biochemistry with high spatial and temporal resolution in live subjects. Through the development of chemical probes that can report on biomolecular activities deep in the body, he will be able to more completely understand how these biomolecules drive injury (e.g., concussion) and can modulate therapeutic success (e.g., the drug resistance phenotype of cancer). On the one hand, his research outcomes will enhance our understanding of key biomolecular effectors of life through enabling probe technologies. On the other hand, his work can also provide clinically relevant agents to expand diagnostic imaging capabilities.