Marie-Aude Boislard-Pépin

Canada Research Chair in Developmental Sexology

Tier 2 - 2023-06-01
Université du Québec à Montréal
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research summary

At the intersection of developmental science and the study of human sexuality, developmental sexology explores sexual and relational trajectories and the transitions and turning points that mark people’s relational, sexual and romantic development.

Guided by theories related to stigma, gender the “social clock,” Dr. Boislard-Pépin and her research team are examining the paths taken by people who are out of sync with their peers (not experiencing certain life stages at the same time as most people of their generation) and the associated stigmas. They are also developing innovative strategies for marshalling knowledge adapted to various target audiences, such as researchers, stakeholders, media, populations studied and the public. Their work will equip stakeholders to better identify individuals who are at risk of mental health issues and will help develop interventions that make it possible to respond better to the needs of asynchronous, stigmatized populations.