Heather Campbell-Enns

Canada Research Chair in Families and Aging

Tier 2 - 2024-07-01
Canadian Mennonite University
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Research summary

The number of older adults in Canada is growing, and more families are providing essential care for persons living with dementia. But intergenerational care within specific communities has been relatively understudied. Learning more about the relationships between culture and family care could help us develop better health care supports for families.

As Canada Research Chair in Families and Aging, Dr. Heather Campbell-Enns is studying intergenerational families who care for adults living with dementia. Looking across cultures and communities, she and her research team are studying how this care is offered. They are using the data they gather to design, implement and evaluate family-based interventions that can help families meet their care goals in local settings. Campbell-Enns is also building an international research network aimed at increasing knowledge about families and aging. Ultimately, her research will lead to new ways to support families who are caring for older adults.