Chao-Jun Li

Canada Research Chair in Green Chemistry

Tier 1 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2010-10-01, 2017-10-01
McGill University
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council


Research involves

Searching for environmentally friendly solutions to the impact of industrial chemical processes, with emphasis on the discovery of new ways to activate chemical bonds.

Research relevance

The research is expected to lead to the development of a chemistry that is environmentally benign and efficient, as well as cost effective.

New Molecules for a Greener Chemistry

Green Chemistry originated in the search for alternatives to hydro chlorofluorocarbons, considered the primary cause of the hole in the Arctic ozone layer. But now the term "Green Chemistry" is applied to the search for all different kinds of environmentally friendly chemical solutions to decrease the amount of hazardous materials used during industrial processes.

Dr. Chao-Jun Li's research is aimed at finding new ways to address the problems caused by extensive use of toxic solvents such as benzene and halogenated hydrocarbons. As the Canada Research Chair in Green Chemistry, Dr. Li is working primarily on the production of new molecules. His research has implications for the disciplines of biology and pharmacology, the field of environmental research, and it forms the basis for important contributions to the synthesis of new drugs and advanced (polymeric) materials.

Dr. Li is a valuable addition to the team in the McGill's chemistry department, whose reputation in synthetic chemistry and green chemistry has made it one of the world leaders in the field. Furthermore, Dr. Li's research is helping to establish Canada's reputation as a country that encourages the growth of technology while encouraging environmental solutions to problems of worldwide concern.