Jonathan Allan

Canada Research Chair in Men and Masculinities

Tier 2 - 2000-10-01
Renewed: 2019-05-01
Brandon University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council


Research summary

Preconceptions of masculinity can set men up for failure—yet societies stubbornly cling to notions of masculinity that most men cannot live up to. As Canada Research Chair in Men and Masculinities, Dr. Jonathan Allan is exploring what “masculine” might mean, and why it matters. He is studying men and masculinities in a variety of spaces in the social sciences and humanities to see how men live, enact and embody masculinity in their everyday lives.

Allan and his research team are especially interested in the procreative aspects of masculinity—for instance, men’s experiences with infertility and their reproductive health choices, such as vasectomies. They hope to expand our understanding of how masculinity affects and informs men’s reproductive health.