Ngai-Man (Carl) Ho

Canada Research Chair in Efficient Utilization of Electric Power

Tier 2 - 2014-10-01
Renewed: 2019-10-01
University of Manitoba
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council


Coming to Canada From

ABB Switzerland Ltd., Baden, Switzerland

Research involves

Designing and developing microgrid infrastructures and grid-connected energy-converting devices.

Research relevance

This research will provide more efficient grid infrastructures and interfaces, to reduce energy consumption and waste in Canada.

Powering the Intelligent Low-Voltage Grid Revolution

A secure and efficient electricity supply is a necessity in today’s world. Nonrenewable fossil fuels continue to supply the bulk of global electricity needs, but there is an increasing desire to move towards renewable power generation, for its environmental benefits. The challenge is integrating renewable energy sources into existing grid infrastructures.

Dr. Ngai-Man (Carl) Ho, Canada Research Chair in Efficient Utilization of Electric Power, wants to make this transition easier by developing efficient grid infrastructures and grid-connected apparatuses that will reduce energy consumption from traditional power plants.

By integrating emerging power electronics converters and modern communication techniques, Ho hopes to provide low-voltage grid infrastructures, and to support demand-side management techniques (changing consumer demand for energy) to minimize energy losses, reduce technical inefficiencies, and support the switch to renewable energy sources.

Ho’s past research into grid-connected converters for renewable energy has been used around the world to develop industrial products such as solar inverters, uninterrupted power supplies, and electronic dimmers. Ho hopes his research will enable the Canadian electrical industry to develop technologies and products that support the next generation of intelligent energy grids, and ensure Canada maintains its competitive position in the global energy industry.