David Barclay

Canada Research Chair in Ocean Technology Systems

Tier 2 - 2016-08-01
Renewed: 2020-04-01
Dalhousie University
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council


Coming to Canada From

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, United States

Research involves

Developing technology to measure underwater ambient noise in oceans.

Research relevance

This research will improve our ability to detect natural and man-made sounds in our oceans, probe the ocean environment, and assess the health of underwater ecosystems.

Research summary

The world’s oceans are vast, remote and harsh. These qualities mean it is challenging to measure ocean properties, biological activity, and the impacts of humans on oceans. Through measuring and modelling ocean noise, Dr. David R. Barclay develops methods for using the noise itself as a sensing tool, allowing researchers to observe  physical processes and properties of the ocean, surface, and seabed. Relating these mechanisms to the level and direction of ocean noise provides a means to predict the ocean soundscape in time, space, and frequency, and improves our ability to monitor human and marine animal underwater activity.