Nicolas Bisson

Canada Research Chair in Cancer Proteomics

Tier 2 - 2015-10-01
Renewed: 2020-10-01
Université Laval
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

418-525-4444, ext./poste 15539

Research involves

Finding out how communication problems in normal cells can lead them to become more aggressive cancer cells.

Research relevance

This research will lead to new prognostic tests and drug targets for breast and prostate cancer.

Research summary

Our bodies’ cells need to be able to communicate with each other to ensure that our bodies function properly. When our cells fail to send, receive or correctly understand signals, the result can be serious illnesses, such as cancer. The cells responsible for this signalling are called proteins. Most proteins function as groups (called networks) rather than acting individually.

Dr. Nicolas Bisson, Canada Research Chair in Cancer Proteomics, is trying to better to understand these protein networks. He and his research team are identifying how protein networks are formed in normal cells compared to how they are formed in cancer. They are also looking at how these networks change during cancer progression and metastasis. Ultimately, this information will make it easier to predict outcomes for individual cancer patients and help doctors recommend the most suitable treatment options.