Anatoliy Gruzd

Canada Research Chair in Privacy-Preserving Digital Technologies

Tier 2 - 2015-10-01
Renewed: 2020-07-01
Toronto Metropolitan University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

416-979-5000, ext. 7937

Research involves

Examining the practices behind the access, collection, analysis, sharing, and preservation of social media data.

Research relevance

This research will examine technical, policy, and user-driven constraints and opportunities of managing and using social media data for insights and decision making.

Research summary

As Canada Research Chair in Privacy-Preserving Digital Technologies, Dr. Gruzd will examine the adoption and use of privacy-preserving technological trends that are emerging in response to the erosion of users’ trust in how their personal information is managed by platforms and third parties: (1) blockchain-based social networking platforms; and (2) a differential privacy approach used by some organizations to release aggregated user data. Specifically, Gruzd will research if and how these emerging technologies and their applications can be leveraged to benefit Canadians and Canadian organizations, especially in the areas of social networking, digital scholarship, scholarly practices and, more broadly, in the area of digital citizenship.