Alain Berry

Canada Research Chair in Vibro-Acoustics Applied to the Transport Sector

Tier 1 - 2017-11-01
Université de Sherbrooke
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

819-821-8000, ext./poste 62148

Research involves

Identifying and reproducing acoustic radiation of vibrating objects to improve passenger comfort and reduce noise.

Research relevance

This research will improve our understanding of complex vibro-acoustic systems and help develop noise control tools for the transport industry.

Vehicle Noise: Sound Sources up to Perception

In 2014, Canada was the world’s third-largest producer of civil aircraft and the eighth-largest producer of automobiles. These are great achievements—but the transport industry is highly competitive, and staying on top means being innovative. The industry is looking for advanced tools to help identify and control vehicle noise in order to improve passenger comfort and reduce environmental noise pollution.

As part of his work as Canada Research Chair in Vibro-Acoustics as Applied to the Transport Sector, Dr. Alain Berry has three major goals. The first is to identify multiple, complex and extended sound sources using vibrational and acoustic imaging techniques as well as microphone antennas or vibration sensors. A second is to reduce noise levels in vehicles and large vibro-acoustic systems.

Finally, Berry and his research team are looking to achieve spatial synthesis of sound fields. They hope to create or recreate virtual, immersive and customizable sound environments in the laboratory to push their work up to the point where sound is perceived by humans.

Ultimately, their work will improve our understanding of complex vibro-acoustic systems and lead to concrete identification and noise control tools for the transport industry.