Christine Chambers

Canada Research Chair in Children’s Pain

Tier 1 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2022-10-01
Dalhousie University
Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Research involves

Studying developmental, psychological and social influences on children’s pain, with a focus on family factors and using social media to provide information to parents.

Research relevance

This research will lead to new knowledge about children’s pain, synthesize existing knowledge, and translate this information into better outcomes for children with pain.

Research summary

Two-thirds of children with chronic pain will continue to struggle with the condition into adulthood. When children’s pain is poorly managed pain—whether it is acute or chronic—they experience unnecessary suffering and, in some cases, long-term negative effects. As Canada Research Chair in Children’s Pain, Dr. Christine Chambers is searching for ways to improve how children’s pain is understood, assessed and managed.

She and her research team are focusing on family and psychological factors and making use of science and knowledge mobilization. They are applying best practices in three cross-cutting themes: sex- and gender-based analysis plus, patient-oriented research, and equity, diversity and inclusion. The new knowledge they generate about children’s pain will lead to solutions that reduce the effects of pain and translate into better outcomes for children and their families.