Anton de Ruiter

Canada Research Chair in Spacecraft Dynamics and Control

Tier 2 - 2016-01-01
Renewed: 2021-01-01
Toronto Metropolitan University
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

(416) 979-5000 # 4878

Research involves

Developing new dynamics, guidance, navigation and control techniques for space systems.

Research relevance

This research develops technologies needed to enable future space exploration in the lunar vicinity and beyond.

Research summary

Space exploration is key to fully understanding our place in the universe. But current technologies aren’t sufficient to meet the future complexities of this endeavour. That’s where the Global Exploration Roadmap comes in: it is a tool to identify the key space technologies and long-term plans we need to support future space missions. As Canada Research Chair in Spacecraft Dynamics and Control, Dr. Anton de Ruiter is using the roadmap to develop new technologies for space exploration.De Ruiter and his research team are developing new dynamics modelling, guidance, navigation and controls to enable new types of asteroid exploration. They are also advancing methods for low-thrust spacecraft trajectory design and autonomous robotic on-orbit inspection, servicing and assembly of large space structures. Through this work, de Ruiter and his team aim to support future international space missions.