Ruth Dassonneville

Canada Research Chair in Electoral Democracy

Tier 2 - 2016-06-01
Renewed: 2021-06-01
Université de Montréal
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

(514) 343-6111 #0931

Research involves

Investigating the consequences of electoral dealignment.

Research relevance

This research will shed light on the consequences of weakening bonds between citizens and political parties (dealignment) for the functioning of electoral democracy.

Research summary

The bonds between citizens and political parties are eroding in advanced democracies. Voting behaviours are also increasingly unstable and party systems more fragmented. Although these trends have been studied extensively, we still do not fully understand what is causing these fundamental changes or their effects on electoral democracy. As Canada Research Chair in Electoral Democracy, Dr. Ruth Dassonneville aims to answer these questions.

Dassonneville and her research team are analyzing longitudinal datasets as well as original survey data and conducting a series of experiments to better understand the behaviours of citizens and political parties. Ultimately, their research will shed light on the changes occurring in democracies around the world.