Stephen Michnick

Canada Research Chair in Cellular Architecture and Dynamics

Tier 1 - 2015-08-01
Renewed: 2005-11-01, 2020-10-01
Université de Montréal
Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Research involves

Studying how the cellular materials responsible for decision-making, adaptation and memory are organized.

Research relevance

This research will provide unique insight into the organization of cell material involved in memory and the transmission of information.

Research summary

The overall goal of Dr. Stephen Michnick’s second Chair mandate is to devise means to map the effects of environmental and genome variations to specific biochemical mechanisms. To achieve this, Michnick’s team will develop single-cell protein interactome detection methods. They will then apply the methods to fundamental problems in genomics and cellular biology. Using model yeast and human cells, they will analyze the effects genome DNA sequence variations and of drugs have on specific biochemical processes and structural organization in living cells. Michnick’s studies will set the stage for discovering mechanisms and treatment strategies for human diseases.