Kim Anderson

Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Relationality and Storied Practice

Tier 1 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2022-11-01, 2023-11-01
University of Guelph
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

519-824-4120, ext. 58027

Research involves

Exploring how to revitalize Indigenous relationships involving family and land in urban settings.

Research relevance

This research will develop the knowledge needed to chart pathways to wellness and reconciliation for Indigenous families living in urban environments.

Research summary

Stories play a critical role in Indigenous culture. They are a way to share cultural beliefs, values, rituals, history, relationships and ways of life. As Canada Research Chair in Indigenous Relationality and Storied Practice, Dr. Kim Anderson is exploring how to “story” hopeful futures by building on teachings that encourage respect for life in all its forms.

She and her research team are exploring and building Indigenous relational spaces—human, non-human and ancestral—and embedding and evaluating the revitalization of Indigenous languages within these spaces. They are also exploring Indigenous revitalization by engaging in storied practice with international Indigenous partners and by decolonizing narratives and advancing theory, methods and practice of Indigenous oral history. Ultimately, Anderson and her team aim to integrate the use of Indigenous social relations, lands and languages to support holistic knowledge production that is locally grounded and in conversation with the global.