Kim Anderson

Canada Research Chair in Storying Indigenous Relational Futures

Tier 2 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2022-11-01
University of Guelph
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

519-824-4120, ext. 58027

Research involves

Exploring how to revitalize Indigenous relationships involving family and land in urban settings.

Research relevance

This research will develop the knowledge needed to chart pathways to wellness and reconciliation for Indigenous families living in urban environments.

Research summary

“All my relations” is a phrase often heard among Indigenous people as an offering of gratitude and connection. Healthy interactions—whether human, environmental or spiritual—are the keys to wellness and foundational to Indigenous cultures. As Canada Research Chair in Storying Indigenous Relational Futures, Dr. Kim Anderson is exploring how to “story” more hopeful futures by drawing on Indigenous practices of family connectedness.

Anderson and her research team are building and exploring Indigenous relational spaces as well as creating and mobilizing narratives of decolonization. They are also working with international Indigenous partners to advance Indigenous oral history and explore Indigenous revitalization. Ultimately, their research will integrate Indigenous social relations, lands and languages to produce holistic knowledge that is grounded in the local and conversant with the global.