Alexandre Bitektine

Canada Research Chair in Institutions and Strategic Entrepreneurship

Tier 2 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2022-11-01
Concordia University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

848-2424, ext. 5911

Research involves

Studying the institutional factors that support entrepreneurship and the cultural constraints that enable it, as well as the non-market strategies that influence social judgments.

Research relevance

This research will enable social actors, key decision-makers and governments to make more informed decisions and guide managers on how to encourage entrepreneurial initiatives.

Research summary

Entrepreneurship research has tended to focus on individual entrepreneurs and businesses. Much less is known about how industry- and society-level factors—such as institutions, policies and cultures—can affect an entrepreneur’s success or failure. As Canada Research Chair in Institutions and Strategic Entrepreneurship, Dr. Alexandre Bitektine is exploring these aspects of entrepreneurship that tend to go unexamined.

He and his research team are looking at the foundations of creativity and innovation in organizations and studying the strategies that entrepreneurs use to influence their audiences’ social judgments. They are also researching the institutional constraints and enablers of entrepreneurial activity and exploring how institutions influence strategic decision-making. Their research will enable governments and other stakeholders to make more informed decisions about how best to encourage entrepreneurship.