Jessie-Lee McIsaac

Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood: Diversity and Transitions

Tier 2 - 2017-11-01
Renewed: 2023-09-01
Mount Saint Vincent University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council


Research summary

Not all households have access to the same resources—and socio-economic challenges can lead to food insecurity, stress, safety issues or limited access to educational opportunities for some families. As Canada Research Chair in Early Childhood: Diversity and Transitions, Dr. Jessie-Lee McIsaac is partnering with policy-makers and communities to better understand the socio-economic challenges of early childhood, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

McIsaac’s earlier research showed the complexity of diverse family situations and the impact of early environments on children’s well-being. Now, she and her research team are identifying meaningful and innovative solutions to challenges of early childhood, with a focus on environments that promote mental health, outdoor play and nutrition. McIsaac and her team aim to accomplish this by working with families and communities to understand the impact of early childhood policies and co-design community-informed solutions.