Kevin McKague

Canada Research Chair in Social Enterprise and Inclusive Markets

Tier 2 - 2018-01-01
Renewed: 2023-01-01
Cape Breton University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council


Research involves

Understanding how enterprises and markets can be more equitable and inclusive.

Research relevance

This research will improve our understanding of how enterprises can create more social and ecological value and how markets can be more inclusive.

Research summary

The gap between rich and poor continues to grow in Canada and around the world. As Canada Research Chair in Social Enterprise and Inclusive Markets, Dr. Kevin McKague aims to improve this situation by finding ways to make enterprises and markets more equitable and inclusive.

He is leading a diverse, international team of researchers and practitioners to identify and answer important questions in the field of social franchising, which uses entrepreneurial principles to create, organize and manage ventures to solve problems in society. McKague and his research team plan to use social franchising opportunities to advance knowledge of multi-level processes and systems change. They are also studying Nova Scotia’s entrepreneurial ecosystem—including disadvantaged entrepreneurs—to identify strengths, weaknesses and areas for policy and program interventions. Ultimately, their goal is to understand how social enterprises can build social equity and global sustainability.