Dominique Berteaux

Canada Research Chair in Northern Biodiversity

Tier 1 - 2012-10-01
Renewed: 2019-10-01
Université du Québec à Rimouski
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

418-723-1986, ext. 1910

Research involves

Studying species and ecosystems in the North to better understand and anticipate environmental changes.

Research relevance

This research will improve understanding and protection of northern biodiversity, which is being subjected to dramatic climate change.

Protecting the North’s Threatened Biodiversity

The species and ecosystems that surround us make up biodiversity. In northern environments, biodiversity is changing very quickly, above all due to global warming. Biodiversity’s importance to human well-being is recognized, and conserving it is an international priority. The chair’s research team will conduct world-class research on northern biodiversity, with a focus on monitoring indicator animal populations, testing new research hypotheses, modeling future changes, and synthesizing new knowledge on cutting-edge topics. This program of research is extremely important, given the unprecedented rate at which northern environments are being exploited.