Olivier Trescases

Canada Research Chair in Power Electronic Converters

Tier 2 - 2017-10-01
Renewed: 2022-10-01
University of Toronto
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council


Research involves

Developing advanced battery and on-board charging systems to improve the efficiency, cost and real-world range of next-generation electric vehicles.

Research relevance

This research will lead to the development of new charger and battery system technologies that will support sustainable electrified transportation in Canada.

Research summary

Transportation accounts for roughly a fifth of Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. To meet our global commitment to reduce these emissions, the government has announced a ban on internal combustion vehicle sales in Canada starting in 2035. This means we need to find ways to support the growth of electric vehicle (EV) technology in the coming decade.

Until now, electric vehicle uptake has been limited in Canada, mainly due to the poor performance of lithium battery systems and the lack of cheap and fast charging infrastructure. As Canada Research Chair in Power Electronic Converters, Dr. Olivier Trescases aims to address these hurdles. To do this, he and his research team are focusing on three related areas: multi-chemistry energy systems with fault-tolerant power converters, fast charging using reconfigurable battery systems, and high-density, liquid-cooled power electronics and gallium nitride integrated circuits. Ultimately, their research will support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles in Canada and worldwide.