Ethel Tungohan

Canada Research Chair in Canadian Migration Policy, Impacts and Activism

Tier 2 - 2017-10-01
Renewed: 2023-05-01
York University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

416.736.2100 Ext: 22055

Research involves

Examining how labour migrants and their communities influence and are impacted by public policy.

Research relevance

This research will provide insight into how labour migrants are affected by public policies, and how they, in turn, influence public policies through their activism.

Research summary

Canada’s temporary labour migration policies underwent changes before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. As Canada Research Chair in Canadian Migration Policy, Impacts and Activism, Dr. Ethel Tungohan is studying these by looking at Canadian policies and public discussions on immigration, labour and occupational health and safety during these time frames.

She and her research team are placing migrants’ experiences in the foreground of their research, working closely with communities to understand their experiences. They are partnering with migrant organizations to grasp the effects of these policies and discussions on different groups of migrant workers. They are also investigating the social movements that migrant workers have organized to meet these challenges, including coalitions they formed with other historically marginalized groups, such as Black and Indigenous groups. Ultimately, Tungohan and her team aim to understand and shed light on the effects of Canada’s migration policies on migrant workers.