Sarah de Leeuw

Canada Research Chair in Humanities and Health Inequities

Tier 2 - 2018-01-05
Renewed: 2023-05-01
University of Northern British Columbia
Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Research involves

Using a multidisciplinary approach in the creative arts and humanities to understand and address health inequities.

Research relevance

This research offers an under-explored means of addressing health inequalities in Canada.

Research summary

Most Canadians understand intuitively that medicine is both a science and an art. Dr. Sarah de Leeuw, Canada Research Chair in Humanities and Health Inequities, believes the same can be said for other health sciences as well.

De Leeuw brings a background in humanities and creative arts to research questions about health inequities in Canada. She and her research team are developing and delivering arts and humanities tools to health-care professionals, trainees and scholars in Canada. They are also publishing critical conceptual frameworks—regarding feminism, anti-colonialism, disability activism, class consciousness, fat-allyship, and queer epistemologies—and infusing anti-colonial and Indigenous ways of knowing and being into international health humanities movements. Ultimately, their research has the potential to transform the questions we ask in health and medical sciences and the way we train health-care professionals.