Céline Vaneeckhaute

Canada Research Chair in Resource Recovery and Bio-products Engineering

Tier 2 - 2020-05-01
Université Laval
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Research summary

Around the world, we waste about a third of the food we produce—and disposing of it uses significant resources. But Dr. Céline Vaneeckhaute is searching for ways to recover valuable resources from our waste and transform them into high-quality end-products.

As Canada Research Chair in Resource Recovery and Bio-products Engineering, Vaneeckhaute and her research team hope to ensure the consistent production of high-quality, bio-based chemical end-products, such as fertilizers, sustainable bio-detergents and bio-pesticides. Ultimately, this research will reduce waste, lessen environmental pollution and improve food security while adding economic value—creating a win-win-win situation for the environment, society and circular economy in Canada and abroad.