Lionel Briand

Canada Research Chair in Intelligent Software Dependability and Compliance

Tier 1 - 2019-07-01
University of Ottawa
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Research summary

Software-intensive systems pervade our world today—they are behind everything from the phones we use to the cars we drive. Coming up with technologies to verify and validate these complex systems is critical to ensure their reliability, safety, security and compliance.

As Canada Research Chair in Intelligent Software Dependability and Compliance, Dr. Lionel Briand is using artificial intelligence to enable cost-effective verification and validation (V&V) of software that can be automated to scale up to real, complex systems and services. Briand and his research team are studying all aspects of V&V, from early system requirements analysis to design verification, automated software testing and run-time monitoring. Ultimately, their findings will have applications in virtually every industry, including autonomous vehicles, aerospace, defense, medical equipment, finance and more.