Sabine Cordes

Canada Research Chair in Molecular Mechanisms of Mood and Mind

Tier 1 - 2019-04-01
University of Toronto
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Research summary

Disorders of mood and mind are widespread. For example, as many as 12 per cent of North Americans may have depressive disorders, while up to two per cent are affected by autism spectrum disorders and another two percent suffer from bipolar disorder. In rare cases, the main genetic factors that contribute to individual cases may be known. But overall, we know very little about the genetic risk and protective factors that play a role in these disorders.

Dr. Sabine Cordes, Canada Research Chair in Molecular Mechanisms of Mood and Mind, is trying to discover and understand the molecular programs that underlie disorders of mood and mind. She and her research team hope their work will contribute to better diagnoses and interventions for these problems.