Lauren E. Cipriano

Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Analytics, Management, and Policy

Tier 2 - 2021-07-01
Western University
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Research summary

Equal access to health care is a pressing issue in Canadian society. As Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Analytics, Management, and Policy, Dr. Lauren Cipriano is looking for ways to address this issue so policy-makers can ensure all Canadians have access to the services they need.

Cipriano and her research team are using operations research, economics, statistics and decision science tools to help decision-makers determine who should get access to new drugs, devices, programs and surgeries. They are also applying data-driven, evidence-based approaches to determine how to allocate resources efficiently and equitably in the Canadian health-care system. In addition, they are developing new dynamic decision-making frameworks to support the adoption of new technologies and shed light on the barriers that prevent their uptake.