Adam Dubrowski

Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Simulation

Tier 1 - 2019-07-01
Ontario Tech University
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

Research summary

Simulation is a powerful training tool that allows healthcare professionals to practice their clinical skills in a safe learning environment. However, despite its benefits, simulation education is expensive, and it’s not easily accessible in remote and rural areas because it isn’t very portable.

Dr. Adam Dubrowski, Canada Research Chair in Healthcare Simulation, is combining two types of disruptive innovations—3D printing and virtual reality—to make simulation more accessible. He and his research team are conducting a series of modelling, piloting, efficacy, effectiveness and implementation studies to achieve cost-effective, portable, highly realistic, multi-sensory learning environments. They are also introducing systematic research and implementation frameworks into simulation activities to develop a new cohort of researchers who can straddle theoretical and applied questions in simulation research.