Catherine Febria

Canada Research Chair in Freshwater Restoration Ecology

Tier 2 - 2019-04-01
Renewed: 2024-04-01
University of Windsor
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Research summary

Human impacts on the Earth’s ecosystems are so pervasive that the UN declared 2021 to 2030 the International Decade of Ecosystem Restoration. The declaration builds on the growing acceptance that degraded ecosystems are not fully recovering and that human-driven climate change has placed us in a “code red” state of emergency.

As Canada Research Chair in Freshwater Restoration Ecology, Dr. Catherine Febria is focusing on the critical issues affecting freshwater ecosystems. Building on data gathered from more than 125 streams, drains, rivers and wetlands during her prior research, she and her research team are characterizing water quality and biodiversity indicators and engaging local communities across key Canadian watersheds. They aim to identify sites undergoing restoration, conservation, farming and/or management as part of a knowledge co-production research process informed by local knowledge of the health status of ecosystems. Ultimately, Febria’s team hopes to accelerate freshwater ecosystem recovery both locally and globally.