Valerio De Stefano

Canada Research Chair in Innovation, Law and Society

Tier 2 - 2022-02-01
York University
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research summary

Technology is changing how we work. For example, workers are being replaced by machines, and their movements are being tracked using artificial intelligence. More and more workers are also turning to apps such as TaskRabbit or UberEats to make a living. As Canada Research Chair in Innovation, Law, and Society, Dr. Valerio De Stefano is examining the impact of technology on workplaces and labour regulations.

Using comparative legal and multidisciplinary analyses, he and his research team aim to move beyond concerns about job losses due to the technological revolution to address how artificial intelligence and algorithmic management magnify employers’ managerial prerogatives, increasing control and surveillance at work, with potential risks for workers. These risks include algorithmic discrimination, invasion of workers’ privacy (including mental privacy), and unfair labour practices. Ultimately, De Stefano’s research will lead to best practices to help policy-makers and social partners ensure workers’ rights are protected in this evolving environment.