Caroline Fitzpatrick

Canada Research Chair in Digital Media Use by Children and Its Implications for Promoting Togetherness: An Ecosystemic Approach

Tier 2 - 2021-11-01
Université de Sherbrooke
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Research summary

Parents have become accustomed to worrying about their children’s screen time. But children’s use of digital media can be a negative or positive influence depending on a variety of factors. As Canada Research Chair in Digital Media Use by Children and Its Implications for Promoting Togetherness: An Ecosystemic Approach, Dr. Caroline Fitzpatrick is studying these factors.

She and her research team are trying to shed light on how children’s digital media habits can contribute to or detract from their wellbeing, academic success and health. They are examining these habits at the individual, family and school levels and including content and context in their analysis. They are looking at how children of all ages—preschoolers, school-aged children and adolescents—use devices, including newer and evolving ones. Their work will lead to insights into how best to use digital media with children to promote positive outcomes and prevent negative ones.