Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais

Canada Research Chair in Galaxy Clusters Environments

Tier 2 - 2023-07-01
Université Laval
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Research summary

Scientists estimate that there are more than a trillion galaxies in the Universe—and no two are exactly alike. They come in all different sizes and colours, with some comprising as few as 100 million stars while others are made up of more than a trillion. But what makes galaxies so diverse? As Canada Research Chair in Galaxy Clusters Environments, Dr. Marie-Lou Gendron-Marsolais aims to answer that question.

Using new analysis techniques together with high-fidelity multi-wavelength observations of nearby galaxy clusters, she and her research team aim to identify the external (environmental) and internal (related to the central supermassive black hole) influences on galaxies’ properties. Ultimately, they hope to establish the expertise needed to tap into the power of the upcoming Square Kilometre Array (SKA) telescopes, which will be the most sensitive radio telescopes on Earth.