Mid-point attestation requirement

In alignment with its commitments made in the 2019 Addendum to the 2006 Canadian Human Rights Settlement Agreement, the Canada Research Chairs Program is implementing a mid-point attestation form for the recruitment and nomination of all new Canada Research Chairs.

Before proceeding to the nomination stage to fill an empty chair allocation, institutions will be required to submit to the program a “mid-point attestation” duly signed by a senior university official, using the form provided by the program. The mid-point attestation is to confirm that the institution has complied with the program’s requirements for the recruitment and nomination stages completed up to that point (i.e., candidate search and committee review). The mid-point attestation form must be submitted by email to information@chairs-chaires.gc.ca prior to moving on to Stage 6, Nomination decision.

The requirement for the mid-point attestation will be in effect as of January 1, 2022, for all current and on-going recruitment processes that have yet to move past the candidate search stage. The requirement applies to all new nominations (excluding renewals) submitted to the program.

The program will continue to require that all nomination packages for new nominations submitted by institutions include a final attestation (completed via the Convergence portal), confirming that the institution’s recruitment and nomination process complied with all program requirements. At the time of nomination, the mid-point attestation form, which was previously submitted by email, must also be uploaded to Convergence via the Supporting Documents section.

If an institution fails to provide the required attestations, the program will not proceed with the evaluation of a nomination and the nomination will be withdrawn.

For any questions, or should you need to update your institutional contacts, please contact your program officer.