Canadian and European researchers join forces to pursue cutting-edge science

As part of a partnership with the European Commission, two Canada Research Chairs have joined teams funded by the European Research Council to collaborate on their research.

Matthew Tocheri, Canada Research Chair in Human Origins from Lakehead University, will be joining Tracy Kivelland her team at the University of Kent for six months. Their collaborative research will include new studies of fossil hominin hand bones and will increase our understanding of past human diversity, both biologically and culturally, to inform decisions about the future of our species and world.

Audrey Bouvier, Canada Research Chair in Planetary Materials from Western University, will be working with Maud Boyet at the Université Clermont Auvergne in France over the course of several short-term visits. Bouvier and Boyet have complementary expertise in examining meteorites and planetary materials. Their research will lead to new insights into solar system history and the evolution of Earth and other planets.

These partnerships will enable Tocheri and Bouvier to pursue collaborations with European researchers to advance their mutual research. The overall goal is the cross-promotion and cooperation between Canadian researchers and ERC-funded teams. Short-term research visits will continue to be arranged between chairholders and European researchers throughout 2017.