Research grant funding

Method used to calculate research funding as input into the chair allocation calculations
Eligibility of granting agencies and NCE programs in the credit base
Programs excluded from the credit base for Chair allocations
Method used for identification and division of credits
Requests for institutional funding breakdown

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Method used to calculate research funding as input into the chair allocation calculations

A university’s chair allocation is based on the funding received by its researchers from the three federal granting agencies—the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) (the agencies)—in the three most recent years for which data is available. For example, 2014 allocations are based on the research grant funding received, and the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) funds spent, in the fiscal years 2011-12, 2012-13 and 2013-14. These research revenues constitute the amount of “credits” that are entered into the calculations of chair allocations.

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Eligibility of granting agencies and NCE programs in the credit base

As the underlying principle in the Canada Research Chair Program’s (CRCP) objectives is research excellence, the 2,285 chairs should be allocated to institutions proportionally to each institution’s research excellence, as demonstrated by its ability to attract research funding awarded through a process based on excellence (e.g., following merit review, in national competitions, etc.).

All granting agency programs are included in the credit base for the chair allocation calculations, except those listed below.

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Programs excluded from the credit base for chair allocations

Each year, the Tri-agency Institutional Programs Secretariat (TIPS) meets with the vice-presidents of programs from the agencies to review all new agency programs and assess their eligibility for inclusion in the base for calculations for chair allocations. This body is called the Interagency Program Review Committee.

All programs funded by the agencies are included in the calculation except those listed below.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research

  • All training awards (summer student programs, studentships, doctoral research awards, fellowships, Clinician Scientist Awards—Phase 1)
  • Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada
  • Best Brains Exchange Travel Awards
  • Bridge Funding: Public Population Project in Genomics and Society
  • Building the Foundation of the JPIAMR Virtual Research Institute
  • Canada Gairdner International Awards
  • Canadian Children Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
  • Canadian Cochrane Network and Centre
  • Canadian Council on Animal Care 
  • Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute – Innovation Grants
  • Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement / CIHR Regional Training Centres
  • Canadian Immunization Research Network: COVID-19 Vaccine Readiness
  • Canadian International COVID-19 Surveillance Border Study
  • Canadian Knowledge Synthesis Network
  • Canadian Light Source
  • Canadian Virtual Health Library
  • Cannabis & PTSD Treatment in Military Personnel & Veterans
  • Catalyst Grant: Cannabis and Mental Health
  • CIHR Barer-Flood Prize for Health Services and Policy Research
  • CIHR Café Scientifique program
  • CIHR Gold Leaf Prize for Discovery
  • CIHR Gold Leaf Prize for Outstanding Achievements by an Early Career Investigator
  • CIHR Gold Leaf Prize for Impact
  • CIHR Gold Leaf Prize for Transformation: Patient Engagement
  • CIHR-Institute of Cancer Research: National Tumour Banking Network Grant
  • CIHR-Institute of Population and Public Health:  Trailblazer Award in Population Health Solutions
  • CIHR Journalism Award
  • CIHR Partnership Award
  • CIHR Synapse Mentorship Awards
  • Commonwealth Fund Dissemination Award 2015-2016
  • COVID-19 Legal Frameworks for Vaccination Research Rapid Response
  • First Nations Biobanking and Genomic Research
  • GA4GH Genomic Data Sharing Tools Against COVID-19
  • Grand Challenges Canada
  • Hacking AMR 2019 – Using the digital world to fight Antimicrobial Resistance
  • Human Frontier Science Program
  • IHSPR Article of the Year Award
  • IHSPR Rising Star Award
  • Improving Health Care with Knowledge Translation
  • Indigenous Gender and Wellness—Idea Fair and Learning Circle
  • Institute Community Support Program—awards, grants and travel awards
  • Institute of Health Services and Policy Research—strategic initiatives
  • INMD Early Career Investigator Partnership Prize
  • Institute Support Grant
  • Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics
  • International Scientific Exchanges
  • Inuit Research Network Grant
  • IPPH Travel Awards – CPHA Annual Conference
  • Joint Canada-Israel Health Research Program
  • Knowledge to Action Grants–Canadian Cancer Society Research Institute
  • National Council on Ethics in Human Research
  • Netherlands-Canada Type 2 Diabetes Consortium – Travel Award
  • Network Environments for Aboriginal Health Research
  • Network of Networks
  • Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Applied Health Research: Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program
  • Operating Grant – Canadian 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
  • Operating Grant – Clinical Research Infrastructure Support for COVID-19
  • Operating Grant – Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging COVID-19 Module
  • Operating Grant – Canadian Research Initiative in Substance Misuse Urgent Guideline Activities Related to COVID-19
  • Operating Grant – Health System Impact Fellowship – National Cohort Retreat
  • Operating Grant – Human Frontier Science Program – Research Grants
  • Operating Grant: IPPH Building Healthy Cities – Dragons' Den
  • Operating Grant – Priority Announcement: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Bridge Funding)
  • Operating Grant – Priority Announcement: Blood Supply Risk
  • Operating Grant – Priority Announcement: Blood Utilization and Conservation
  • Operating Grant – Priority Announcement: Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury
  • Pan-Canadian Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research Network in Primary & Integrated Health Care Innovations – National Coordinating Office
  • Patient Engagement Enhancement Activities on the Health Research Training Platform Pilot 2021-2022
  • Patient-Oriented Research Training Grant – Health System Stream
  • President’s Fund Prize: CIHR Institute of Aging Voluntary Sector Outreach Award
  • Prize: IHDCYH Talks
  • Promotions
  • Randomized Controlled Trials: Mentoring
  • Rapid Research Fund for Ebola Virus Disease Outbreaks
  • Stand Up To Cancer Canada Metastatic Breast Cancer Dream Team
  • Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research Summit Travel Awards
  • Summer Program in Aging
  • Summer Program in Aging – Planning Grant
  • Summer Program in Japan
  • Synapse – CIHR National Youth Outreach Program
  • Team Grant: Ebola Vaccine Phase II/III Clinical Trial
  • Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Team
  • Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Team – Component 2 – LOI
  • Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Team – Component 2 – LOI – Oral Health
  • Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Team – Component 2 – LOI – Obesity/Diabetes
  • Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Team – Component 2 – LOI – Suicide Prevention
  • Team Grant: Pathways Implementation Research Team – Component 2 – LOI – Tuberculosis
  • Team Grant: Stand Up to Cancer Canada Cancer Stem Cell Dream Team Research Funding
  • Team Grant: Terry Fox New Frontiers Program in Cancer
  • Terry Fox New Frontiers Program Project Grant
  • The Terry Fox Foundation Strategic Training Initiatives in Health Research—full application
  • The following directed grants:
    • Association of Canadian Academic Healthcare Organizations
    • Bourse Fernand-Seguin
    • Canada's Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies
    • Champions of Genetics: Building the Next Generation
    • CIHR University Delegates' Network
    • Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network—Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health
    • Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network Collaborating Centre for Observational Drug Effect Studies
    • Inuit Research Network Development Grant
    • Northwest Territories Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research SUPPORT Units Seed funding
    • Operating Grant: COVID-19 Clinical Epidemiology Research Rapid Response
    • Operating Grant: Future Earth Initiative
    • Operating Grant: WHO HeLTI Knowledge Synthesis Directed Grant
    • Other: Call for Letters of Intent: Implementation Research Teams
    • Other: Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network Collaborating Centre for Network Meta-Analysis
    • Other: Eliminating Cervical Cancer in Canada
    • Other: Global Health Research Initiative
    • Other: Planning and Dissemination Grants – Institute Community Support
    • Other: Rapid Funding for Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network Targeted Research – 2014-2015
    • Other: SPOR SUPPORT Unit Phase II
    • Other: Symposium on Mental Wellness in Circumpolar Communities
    • Science and Technology Awareness Network
    • Sensible Guidelines for the Conduct of Clinical Trials Initiative Workshop
    • Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research directed grant—Canadian Clinical Trials Coordinating Centre
    • Strategy for Patient-Oriented Research SUPPORT Units
    • Summer Program in Aging Host Support
    • Support for Canadian Science Writers’ Association Annual Conference
    • Team Grant: Drug Safety and Effectiveness Network Collaborating Centre for Prospective Studies
  • Transfusion Science – Priority Announcement
  • Travel Awards: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases Mental Health—Canada-China
  • Undergraduate: Genetics – Institute Community Support

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council


  • Aboriginal Ambassadors in the Natural Sciences and Engineering Supplement Program
  • Applied Research and Technology Partnership Grants
  • Applied Research Rapid Response to COVID-19
  • Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics Support Program
  • Collaborative and Thematic Resources Support in Mathematics and Statistics Program
  • Cooperative activities
  • COVID-19 - Direct Support for Training
  • COVID-19 - Indirect Support for Discovery
  • COVID-19 - Indirect Support for Partnerships
  • COVID-19 - Indirect Support for Training
  • Discovery Institutes Support Grants – Bridge funding opportunity
  • Encouraging Vaccine Confidence in Canada
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Institutional Capacity-Building Grant
  • Fellowship Innovation Platform
  • Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges Grants
  • Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research
  • Major Resources Support Program
  • NSERC Awards for Science Promotion
  • NSERC Doctoral Prizes
  • NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowships, and Industrial Research and Development Fellowships
  • NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships (all types)
  • NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Awards—University and Industrial
  • NSERC Young Innovators
  • Partnership Grants – Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Joint Initiative
  • Partnerships Innovation Platform
  • PromoScience Program (including supplements)
  • Science Communication Skills Grants
  • Special Opportunities Fund

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council


  • Aid to Scholarly Publications Program
  • Aileen D. Ross Fellowship
  • Alice Wilson Award
  • Bora Laskin National Fellowship in Human Rights Research
  • Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) – SSHRC Housing Research Training Awards Program
  • CMHC-SSHRC Joint Initiative: Collaborative Housing Research Network
  • Connections—Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
  • COVID funds for Research Partnerships
  • COVID funds for Research Training
  • COVID indirect support for Insight Research
  • Department of National Defence MINDS Scholarship Initiative
  • International Space University Fellowship
  • Japan Society for the Promotion of Science fellowships
  • Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research
  • Jules and Gabrielle Léger Fellowship
  • MITACS Canadian Science Policy Fellowships
  • Pan-Canadian Knowledge Access Initiative
  • Parliamentary Internship Program
  • Partnership Grants – Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation Joint Initiative
  • Presidential Fund grants
  • Queen's Fellowship
  • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships
  • SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • The Storytellers
  • William E. Taylor Fellowship

Networks of Centres of Excellence

Exclusions under Administrative Centres:

  • Communications
  • Operational budget
  • Salaries for students and postdoctoral trainees

Exclusions under Core Facilities:

  • Operational budget (certain categories only)
  • Salaries for students and postdoctoral trainees

Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence


  • Expenditures of administrative centres
  • Research-related expenditures in non-eligible institutions

Tri-agency Programs


  • Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
  • Canada 150 Research Chairs
  • Canada Excellence Research Chairs
  • Canada First Research Excellence Fund
  • Canada Graduate Scholarships (including supplements)
  • Canada Research Chairs Program (including equity, diversity and inclusion stipend)
  • Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund
  • Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research
  • College and Community Innovation Program
  • Community and College Social Innovation Fund
  • Industrial Research and Development Internship Program
  • New Frontiers in Research Fund (including Rapid Response)
  • Tri-Agency Partnership on Knowledge Syntheses on the Environment
  • Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships

Note: Multi-institutional grants are divided proportionally among participating institutions based on the number of participating researchers from each institution. The share for a non-eligible institution is redistributed among eligible institutions.

CIHR awards to research institutes and hospitals are attributed to the parent university, if applicable.

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Method used for identification and division of credits

High-level governance

Every year, a senior level committee decides which granting agency programs should be included in the credit base, and how credits should be allocated to participating institutions.

This Interagency Program Review Committee (IPRC) is comprised of the vice-presidents of programs of the  agencies, the director of the NCE Secretariat, the managers responsible for data coordination in the agencies, and the senior managers of TIPS.

The IPRC’s mandate is to ensure that the decision on whether agency programs should be included in the credit base is made in a consistent, appropriate and transparent manner. This mandate includes:

  • reviewing all current agency programs on an annual basis to ensure that their inclusion or exclusion from the credit calculations is appropriate; and
  • reviewing all new agency programs to determine whether or not they should be included, in whole or in part, in the calculations of institutional credits for the CRCP.

Crediting parent institution with research activity conducted at affiliated research institutes

The credit base of an institution eligible for CRCP includes credits generated by research activities conducted at the institution as well as research conducted at affiliated research institutes, hospitals and other affiliates.

Every year, TIPS contacts eligible institutions (parent institutions) to confirm their list of affiliated institutions (child institutions). Research funding awarded to researchers at affiliated research institutes, hospitals and other affiliates is credited to the parent institution only if the affiliation is duly confirmed in the annual validation of affiliated institutions. It is the institutions’ responsibility to ensure that the information provided to TIPS is current and accurate. As well, all eligible institutions and their affiliates should ensure that their researchers clearly identify their institutional affiliation in their applications to granting agency programs, as this is how credits are identified and allocated.

Flow-through funds

Research funding originating from sources other than the  agencies, but which is awarded as a result of a process the agencies administered, is not included in the credits.

Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) funds

For NCE funds, the credits are based on dollars spent, not awarded. When calculating the credit base for the chairs allocation calculations, funds spent by administrative centres hosted by a university are attributed to the host university, for eligible categories. Funds spent by non-university administrative centres are not credited to any institution. Research funds spent by network researchers are attributed to the institution where the research expenses have been made.

Division of credits for multi-institutional grants

The credits for multi-institutional grants are typically divided proportionally among participating institutions based on the number of participating researchers from each institution. The share for an institution that is not eligible for CRCP is redistributed among eligible institutions.

There are two models—described below—for the division of credits for multi-institutional grants. IPRC decides which  model will be used when it reviews the eligibility of a program.

A—Proportional to the number of researchers: Credits are divided proportionally among participating institutions based on the number of participating researchers from each eligible institution. This model applies to the majority of programs.

B—Proportional to actual expenditures: For programs where the funds from a single grant are redistributed among participating institutions through a formal process, credits are divided among participating institutions according to actual expenditures (e.g. NCEs).

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Requests for institutional funding breakdown

All institutional funding breakdown  spreadsheets are available to institutions on a secure SharePoint site. These spreadsheets provide the detailed breakdown of tri-agency funding that individual institutions received for allocating Canada Research Chairs.

A single account is created for each eligible institution. Login information is sent to the Research Support Fund (RSF) main institutional contact (the person whose name appears as the “Main Contact” on the RSF extranet). It is this main institutional contact person’s responsibility to share, with all relevant individuals at their institution, the institutional funding breakdowns posted on the SharePoint site. Note that the breakdowns will not be sent to institutions via email.

Have questions related to funding data? Contact us