Qiumin Tan

Canada Research Chair in Molecular Genetics of Human Disease

Tier 2 - 2019-04-01
University of Alberta
Canadian Institutes of Health Research


Research summary

Our optimal growth, fitness and survival rely on the ability of our cells to respond rapidly to diverse stimuli from the environment. This response is influenced by signalling pathways within cells that carry information about external changes to modify gene expression. When this response is disrupted, a variety of diseases can result, including developmental disorders, neurological conditions and cancer. Currently, our molecular understanding of many of these conditions is poor.

As Canada Research Chair in Molecular Genetics of Human Disease, Dr. Qiumin Tan is using genetically modified mice in multidisciplinary, cutting-edge approaches and disease modelling to study the molecular mechanisms that underlie human disease. She and her research team hope to support the development of effective, targeted treatments.