Katrine Turgeon

Canada Research Chair in Socio-ecology of Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Management

Tier 2 - 2023-07-01
Université du Québec en Outaouais
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council

Research summary

Decisions about how to manage and conserve natural resources have long been based mainly on knowledge and research from the natural sciences. But solutions and plans related to conservation require input from the social sciences as well because natural resources also affect people. As Canada Research Chair in Socio-ecology of Conservation, Fish and Wildlife Management, Dr. Katrine Turgeon is developing new tools and knowledge to understand how people and nature interact.

Using case studies, she and her research team are taking a transdisciplinary approach, working closely with a variety of stakeholders to tackle conservation problems. Their research will have direct applications in conservation and natural resources management and will help guide policy decisions and education in the context of global change.