Consequences of not meeting the program’s equity, diversity and inclusion requirements

The Government of Canada is committed to excellence in research and research training for the benefit of Canadians. Achieving an equitable, diverse and inclusive Canadian research enterprise is essential to creating the innovative and impactful research necessary to seize opportunities, and respond to global challenges.

The following pages summarize consequences imposed on institutions that do not meet the program’s equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) requirements. Additional information on the program’s EDI requirements and practices can be found here.

This page is updated within 60 days of consequences being imposed or lifted.

Institution Public Accountability and Reporting Requirements EDI Action Plan Requirements

(results updated as institutions meet requirements)
December 2022 Equity Target Deadline Footnote * December 2025 Equity Target Deadline Footnote *

(results will be updated in early 2026)
Acadia University        
Algoma University College        
Athabasca University        
Bishop's University        
Brandon University        
British Columbia Institute of Technology        
Brock University        
Canadian Mennonite University     N/A  
Cape Breton University        
Carleton University        
Concordia University        
Dalhousie University     Limited to submitting new nominations only in cases where the candidates self-identify as belonging to one or more of the four designated groups, and where they have an equity target to be met for that group, until their targets are met. Renewal nominations may continue to be submitted during this time.  
EcÉcole de technologie supérieure        
EcÉcole nationale d’administration publique     N/A  
Emily Carr University of Art + Design        
HEC Montréal        
Institut national de la recherche scientifique        
Kwantlen Polytechnic University        
Lakehead University        
Laurentian University  

Limited to submitting new nominations only when individuals self-identify as belonging to one or more of the four designated groups.

Peer review decisions for all nominations (and, where applicable, associated funding for chair awards) will be withheld until the EDI plan is resubmitted and found to meet the requirements.

MacEwan University     N/A  
McGill University        
McMaster University        
Memorial University        
Mount Allison University        
Mount Royal University        
Mount Saint Vincent University        
Nipissing University        
NSCAD University     N/A  
OCAD University          
Ontario Tech University        
Polytechnique Montréal        
Queen's University        
Royal Military College of Canada        
Royal Roads University        
Saint Mary's University        
Simon Fraser University        
St. Francis Xavier University        
St. Thomas University        
Université TÉLUQ        
The King's University (Edmonton)        
The University of British Columbia      
The University of Winnipeg        
Thompson Rivers University        
Toronto Metropolitan University        
Trent University        
Trinity Western University        
Universiteé de Moncton        
Universiteé de Montréal        
Universiteé Saint-Boniface     N/A  
Universiteé de Sherbrooke        
Universiteé du Québec aà Chicoutimi        
Universiteé du Québec aà Montréal        
Universiteé du Québec aà Rimouski        
Universiteé du Québec aà Trois-Rivières        
Universiteé du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue        
Universiteé du Québec en Outaouais        
Universiteé Laval      
University of Alberta        
University of Calgary        
University of Guelph        
University of Lethbridge        
University of Manitoba        
University of New Brunswick        
University of Northern British Columbia        
University of Ottawa        
University of Prince Edward Island        
University of Regina        
University of Saskatchewan        
University of the Fraser Valley        
University of Toronto        
University of Victoria        
University of Waterloo     Limited to submitting new nominations only in cases where the candidates self-identify as belonging to one or more of the four designated groups, and where they have an equity target to be met for that group, until their targets are met. Renewal nominations may continue to be submitted during this time.  
University of Windsor        
Vancouver Island University        
Western University        
Wilfrid Laurier University        
York University        


Footnote *

In all cases where an institution’s equity targets and the representation data is less than five, results are withheld to protect the privacy of chairholders in alignment with the Privacy Act. There may be additional institutions that are not meeting their equity targets and have consequences imposed against them, but only those shown could be reflected in the table above. 

Return to first footnote * referrer